
Sharing is caring!

Aloha! I am Elena

Veganism for me isn’t just a diet – it’s a way of life! I love food and I love traveling that’s why #VeganVentures combines both!

I am German by passport but consider myself a citizen of the world! Therefore the content on #VeganVentures is partly in English and partly in German. Some things translate – and others don’t 🙂 I do my best to use the language I find most appropriate for each post or video. However, if there is any content you would absolutely LOVE to have available in the other language, please let me know.

My own vegan journey startet 2013… let me tell you, it’s been a ride since then – both emotionally and physically but how about I show you a picture of myself that was taken in May 2013…

Looking at this and seeing me today I guess you can tell that this journey kind of changed my life 🙂 I tell my story of transformation in the book #ANASHA – Die Reise beginnt, which is available in German for now but will also be published in English soon. 

In 2022 I founded ANASHA Sprachschule, a vegan language school that goes beyond portraying Germany and the German culture as “sausage heaven”. I believe in the power of words and in bringing awareness to how our use of language carries energy and has an impact on shaping the world we wish to see. That is why at ANASHA Sprachschule we share cruelty-free language content in all possible ways and learn in a compassionate environment that honors all beings. Not all of our students are vegan and that is great because we open discussions and plant seeds. However, of course we love having vegan students 🙂  That is why we offer a 10% discount on all our offers for vegans. To claim your vegan discount, simply contact us before booking a course. We look forward to connecting and learning with you!

Currently we offer online conversation classes for German, Spanish, French and English. You can find more info here.

Sharing is caring!