Beety Curry for Beet Lovers

Love Beets? If you do, you’ll love this super quick and easy beety curry for beet lovers! Depending on how quickly you can chop things up this can be done in 30 minutes tops! I cannot say that beets and I experienced love at first sight. Quite the […]

Einfacher Eintopf

Traumessen für 5/1 Generator: Heute machen wir’s uns einfach mal einfach! Einfacher Eintopf: Wenn du – wie ich – ein 5/1 Generator nach Human Design bist, wirst du dieses Rezept lieben! Warum? Ganz einfach, als 5/1 Generator machen wir es uns gerne einfach! Und einfach heißt in diesem […]

🇺🇸/🇩🇪 Vegan Chili & Chakric Eating

🇺🇸 Today we’ll cook together! This is my first bilingually recorded video 🙂 We’ll be making one of my favorite quick dishes: vegan lentil chili. [ingredients see below]. While the chili is cooking, I am also sharing a bit about my chakric eating practice. Enjoy! 🇩🇪 Heute kochen […]

Beet It!

[Den Text auf 🇩🇪 findest du unten] I am going to a vegan potluck brunch with a friend tomorrow, yay!I love brunches and potlucks are always fun to try something new and to get inspiration for culinary creations to come. This time I decided to bring a salad […]

Stuff on Bread

According to my non-German boyfriend, Germans are very easy to please when it comes to food. “They are happy just putting stuff on bread”, he told me over dinner one night – the start of a lively discussion about German eating habits and whether there is such a […]

Potato Soup | Kartoffelsuppe

My first online recipe [Den Text auf ?? findest du unten] I’ve received quite a few request regarding my recipes lately so I figured it might be about time to make them publicly available. As I am knew to the “recipe publication business” I chose something easy that […]