Einfacher Eintopf

Traumessen für 5/1 Generator: Heute machen wir’s uns einfach mal einfach! Einfacher Eintopf: Wenn du – wie ich – ein 5/1 Generator nach Human Design bist, wirst du dieses Rezept lieben! Warum? Ganz einfach, als 5/1 Generator machen wir es uns gerne einfach! Und einfach heißt in diesem […]

🇺🇸/🇩🇪 Vegan Chili & Chakric Eating

🇺🇸 Today we’ll cook together! This is my first bilingually recorded video 🙂 We’ll be making one of my favorite quick dishes: vegan lentil chili. [ingredients see below]. While the chili is cooking, I am also sharing a bit about my chakric eating practice. Enjoy! 🇩🇪 Heute kochen […]

Beet It!

[Den Text auf ?? findest du unten] ?? I am going to a vegan potluck brunch with a friend tomorrow, yay!I love brunches and potlucks are always fun to try something new and to get inspiration for culinary creations to come. This time I decided to bring a […]

Stuff on Bread

According to my non-German boyfriend, Germans are very easy to please when it comes to food. “They are happy just putting stuff on bread”, he told me over dinner one night – the start of a lively discussion about German eating habits and whether there is such a […]

Potato Soup | Kartoffelsuppe

My first online recipe [Den Text auf ?? findest du unten] I’ve received quite a few request regarding my recipes lately so I figured it might be about time to make them publicly available. As I am knew to the “recipe publication business” I chose something easy that […]