My vegan journey

What would be a better day to finally share my vegan story with the world than my 10th veganversary 🥦💚🌱 A lot of people have asked me how I became a vegan. So I thought why not record a brief video of my story… It’s been a ride […]

Belgian Breakfast in Brussels

Have you ever fantasized about having a Belgian Breakfast in Brussels? To be honest, I never have. In fact, I almost made it to my 40th birthday without ever having set foot on Belgian grounds. And if it wouldn’t be for a special someone I probably would have made […]

Beet It!

[Den Text auf 🇩🇪 findest du unten] I am going to a vegan potluck brunch with a friend tomorrow, yay!I love brunches and potlucks are always fun to try something new and to get inspiration for culinary creations to come. This time I decided to bring a salad […]

Stuff on Bread

According to my non-German boyfriend, Germans are very easy to please when it comes to food. “They are happy just putting stuff on bread”, he told me over dinner one night – the start of a lively discussion about German eating habits and whether there is such a […]

Live aus dem Tiny House

Eigentlich ist dieses Video für IGTV entstanden, aber ich möchte es euch hier natürlich nicht vorenthalten 🙂 Also, worum geht’s? Nach 6 Tagen im Tiny House teile ich einige meiner bisherigen Erfahrungen mit euch. Was bedeutet ein Leben auf engstem Raum, wenn draußen nicht immer die Sonne scheint? […]

TinyTV: Is(s) doch K”se

Die Schweiz ohne Käse?!? Richtig – geht gar nicht 🙂 Dank einer wunderbaren Fügung wurde ich während meines Aufenthalts in Basel ganz unverhofft zum K“se Tester … Wie es war erzählt das Video! Lieber Rolf Stürm, herzlichen Dank für die spontane Einladung und das gesellige Beisammensein! Es war […]

#VeganVentures Goes Athens / Roots Foods and Culture

Während unseres Athen-Aufenthalts waren wir zu Gast bei Ras Tewo – dem griechischen, in Bayern geborenen veganen Rasta-Chef, der vor einigen Wochen in Athen seinen eigenen veganen Laden aufgemacht hat:Roots Foods and Culture. Klingt abgefahren? Das ist es auch – v.a. kulinarisch! 🙂 Greek fusion cuisine mit jamaikanischem […]

Aloha Athens ??

283 days… That’s how long I’ve been missing Athens. Its vibe, its people and just its unique atmosphere! You think I’m nuts? Well apparently a lot of people do or as a dear Greek friend of mine in Berlin put it: “Not even the Athenians like Athens!” ? Oh […]

Ice Ice Iceland…

«I don’t care how pretty it is… 4 days is all I can take!»  My first words after stepping our of the airport. Seriously. And I wasn’t kidding! Everybody who knows me also knows that I don’t handle the cold well. I’m just not a fan. In fact, […]

An Azores Adventure

My second day on beautiful Sao Miguel gets off to a foggy start â€¦ but of course that doesn’t stop me from exploring! Saturdays, as in many islands, are the busiest market days, so off we are  – that is my wonderful host José-Maria and me  –  for some […]